Today's Ride

Strictly non retro. Arrived Alps Friday eve. Little room on ferry and no room at the inns due to Olympic business. Or busyness. Yesterday serviced Canyon Sender for Grom and polished the Transition Patrol. Managed to find new sintered pads for the Hope E4s after a bit of a panic - in amongst the DH shirts, obviously. Today leisurely breakfast - yum coffee and croissants - then locate all the body armour in the cupboards and try to make sure we have everything. Of course we get to the car park and unload and I remember that I am simply wearing a cotton T shirt - which will be a wet rag by the end of the day. Oh well … everything else in order. Then up to Cry D’er on the lift for three DH runs - down, repeat. Then the back brake siezes on the Patrol - grrrrr - that’s the brake which I had ticked off as fine two months ago but actually is almost down to the metal. Much dust and the pistons out so far that they are Very Unhappy. So a front-brake-only to Montana for the last two pairs of Hope E4 pads in the locality and an industrial aerosol of Muc-off brake cleaner…Grom does bread run downhill home while I sweep up the rear….

Paksu the mascot dog en route Alps. Nice anus.

By contrast nicer jumpiness.


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Well, up early and clean out rear E4 caliper with toothbrush and brake cleaner. Use small stick with kitchen roll on end as substitute for cotton wool bud to really clean pistons. Final squirt of mucoff cleaner and wipe clean. Pistons pressed back in with a tyre lever and new pads straight in.

All good.

Gather up water, helmets, gloves, packs, weird gel stuff, torso armour, leg armour, shoes and sun cream.

Up to Crans and many many dusty runs.

Bike gets very tired (not me, no way) so we call it a day at 4pm.

A Tired Transition


Hang on - in the distance I can hear a beer calling…….


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Two weeks of a staycation are complete. Out and about almost every day meant riding took a little breather but I did get a few in early doors before scooting about the county with my PIC and 4 legged beast on adventures.





This morning (and yesterday, which is directly above), it was 12-13 degrees, wall to wall blue sky and glorious sunshine. A very light SW breeze. Absolutely perfect conditions. Summer has arrived but as ever, she'll be scooting off elsewhere later this week. Days like these make up for the 6 months of rain!



I met this fella on the blast back. As a fellow beagle owner, I was a touch worried he'd bolted off and was miles from home, but he promptly told me in no uncertain Beagle-speak, that this field, and the farm next to it, were his home and that I should bugger off pronto!

Broken cloud, lots of different layers and types. Blue skies inbetween with golden sunshine. Brisk 10-15mph NNE (yes, north-east o_O) breeze, so felt about 12 degrees if you were lucky. Thankfully the combination of sun and pedalling kept me toasty.

Found some dirt on the route to Carn Brea...along with plenty of greenery scratching my limbs 🤣

From whence I came...


On the way to Carn Brea




Up top on Brea - the back way with no foot down 👍

First ride on my giant atx880 with 2 of my boys, skills and thrills bike trails at Tyler's green


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