Today's Ride

Riding has been on hiatus the past 8/9 weeks. Very long story short, I needed to be close to home as my better half recovers from her low-grade non-Hodgekins lymphoma that decided to act very aggressively, resulting in 6 rounds of chemotherapy. Cycle 2 completed 5 days ago, and was as an out-patient (cycle 1 was an in-patient) which meant, I could finally put a leg over and pedal. I'd been able to squeeze in 5k runs almost every day but nothing beats the rubber meeting the road/path.

This was at Polgigga on Christmas Eve-Eve


followed by yesterdays Boxing day blast, where I met 4 icy-cold showers that left me chilled to the bone, huddled on the sofa under a blanket after a hot shower back at HQ. No grumbles though, any time in the saddle is a good day!

In addition to the above^^ there is a road below Mam Tor linking Castleton with Chapel-en-le-Frith.. i think it was pretty much sliding down the hillside from the moment it was constructed.. after numerous attempts to secure it.. they just gave it back to nature..


..oh and mountain bikers :cool:
fullsizeoutput_3796.jpeg then 5yr old for scale
Great to see this thread now alive.
Awesome scenery there, @Betsy.
Yesterday it was a bit difficult in the forest, but at least i could do some mtb-ing.
The day before that was a hundred km run, 80% on tarmac.
Today the casual Aldi run with my GF, which is around 35 kms in total. We were racing on the way back. I had some panniers loaded, and a heavier bike. She is a great fighter, and never an easy opponent. She was having a few hundred meters of advance for many kms, despite the fact i'm far more trained atm.
Her bike was this one.
Mine the same like in previous posts.
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First calm day in 3 weeks yesterday so got a solid 35 miles in. Todays it's back to wind and rain, so for now, on top of the moors, then almost home looking to the Scilly's. I just missed capturing the plane landing at the airport.





We've had a ton of rain so goodness knows when the trails will dry out 🤣