Today's Ride

A few hilly miles this evening. Up up onto the Moor above Holcombe firing ranges near Ramsbottom. Caught the sunset.

Incredibly quiet up top, not even a plane heard for a few moments, silence. Broken by a tawny owl a-hooting. Joy.

Exhilarating blast back down a steep single-track (but tarmac) road in the dark with no lights, then lit up and onto quiet roads back home.

I wish I could put the feeling into words, but then do I need to? This is a forum of bike nuts after all.

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A few hilly miles this evening. Up up onto the Moor above Holcombe firing ranges near Ramsbottom. Caught the sunset.

Incredibly quiet up top, not even a plane heard for a few moments, silence. Broken by a tawny owl a-hooting. Joy.

Exhilarating blast back down a steep single-track (but tarmac) road in the dark with no lights, then lit up and onto quiet roads back home.

I wish I could put the feeling into words, but then do I need to? This is a forum of bike nuts after all.

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Mint 😎
Managed another quick ride again this morning.

Nice fresh feeling in the air after the heavy showers yesterday making it perfect for riding. Nothing special again, just a short loop to keep the legs working. Hopefully if i keep it up it will mean i can start to get out into the woods again after the holidays.

Lots of people out walking today, with dogs, bikes and fruit picking, including a very elderly gent on a CX bike who i overtook on a rough dh section fully expecting him to come by me shortly after, which he did with a great smile on his face. I did think for a nano second about trying to keep pace with him, which i could have, but not for long as he wasn't hanging about :)

Another nice ride.

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Another morning ride, busy tracks with lots of dog walkers and the occasional biker which did udge me to detour a little down some less used tracks, some still rather overgrown.

Very warm though on the return the slight headwind was actually welcome as it was a bit cooler.

Another nice ride.

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A few hilly miles this evening. Up up onto the Moor above Holcombe firing ranges near Ramsbottom. Caught the sunset.

Incredibly quiet up top, not even a plane heard for a few moments, silence. Broken by a tawny owl a-hooting. Joy.

Exhilarating blast back down a steep single-track (but tarmac) road in the dark with no lights, then lit up and onto quiet roads back home.

I wish I could put the feeling into words, but then do I need to? This is a forum of bike nuts after all.

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Spot on!

After the Malverns I needed a proper leg stretch on Bee (yep, I've named her), now sporting the best saddle ever made and some proper grips. The more I ride her and conquer my fears, the better it gets. Here we are just along from Ding Dong mine on top of the moors yesterday (E steady breeze, felt about 18-19, blue skies and broken cloud).


