Today's Ride

Pfwoah! Now we're talking! Is that Twin Peaks as in the black lodge, the red room, and Audrey Horne?

The weather broke. Monday was a write off, Tuesday and Wednesday I went for a run. Today was ok. Solid cloud, 15 degrees, WSW light breeze so for once, heading west along the road to St Ives was rapid. Once again at the top of Gear Hill, you can see the contrast in summer losing (again) to the clouds. The last mile and half were soaking wet with a big downpour. I can't remember the last time I cycled in the rain!


It was new saddle day as well. Really pleased with this beauty, particularly given the clear-out price on wiggle.

Pfwoah! Now we're talking! Is that Twin Peaks as in the black lodge, the red room, and Audrey Horne?

Haha, no I think that was all done up in Washington (state.) Twin Peaks as in one of the "7 Hills of San Francisco."

Your photo making me miss the big sky's.
Saturday ride on Bee was warm, sweaty and epic. Solid 3 hours, and quickly learning how to get the best our of a 29er.




Sunday was meant to be dry and of course, it wasn't for the Kapu shakedown ride. You can read more about that here.


Monday and Tuesday were in the big smoke (got a sweaty run in around Gladstone Park / Dolis Hill). Back on the saddle this morning, very humid, 17 degrees, ground-level cloud so very damp. Luckily it broke about half way around, just before St Buryan. No breeze was a bonus. Much, much safer than Sunday's ride!

After a hot day, with temperatures hitting 30°C, it was a beautiful evening for a ride. I did a 28 mile loop, which takes my mileage up to 100 in less than a week. That's one of the benefits of the summer; it won't be the same in the winter. Halfway through the ride, I got to the seafront and rode into the sunset. It doesn't get much better. Then it was up and over the Crab and Winkle Way back to base and dinner cooked by the equally beautiful Ace Missus. Sometimes, things just work out nicely.