Today's Ride

Blue skies and golden sunshine all along the way. Very stiff ESE/SE breeze, 19 degrees, a touch cooler in the shaded spots. Our next door neighbour was kayaking with dolphins yesterday; another reason for the flippin' house works to finish as soon as poss so we can sort out our storage and "get in the sea". Anyway, ace ride, just beautiful at every turn, even with the recycling vans doing the rounds.

Here's the sprawling mega-airport of Lands End, on the final stretch to home.


Wish i was by the sea, very jealous. The sea is warmer at nights so you could always go for an evening swim @al-onestare :cool:

It has been a while since i had regular rides out, have been spending most free time getting climbing fit again, something i thought i would never do after my accident but funny how things work out.

Did not go far today, a local loop around the fields and woods. Very quiet apart from one dog walker i bumped into who said most people were staying in as there had been weather warnings of hot weather, strange, it was beautiful out, and probably not as hot as it has been over the last couple of months. A nice breeze and plenty of shade in the empty woods found me blasting some sorely missed singletrack, great fun.

The hope is to get out a bit more often again, which i am looking forward to.

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Another short ride this morning.

This afternoons plans were cancelled so decided to ride to some local crags and have a quick climb. Nice at the bottom of the crag in the shade of the trees, higher up above the trees found one in direct sunlight on heat absorbing rock, quite warm. Got a few climbs in which was nice before the ride home through the woods, and strangely swarms upon swarms of flies.

A great little ride out, though i will admit the last mile through the streets was very warm.

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28 Degrees C in the Antrim Hills, roads were melting so did a wee off-road foresty diversion for a bit of shade....found my first ever head tube badge from 2011 so bunged that on, turns out it made me three times faster and 20% more cunning... Wooden It Be Nice.jpg Foxy Ringo.jpg
And let the rains begin…

That’s Heathrow on the horizon in the bottom right hand corner with the 40.2c today, just below the dot that is the sun setting in front of the wheel.

Thunder & lightning sunset in one direction…

a rainbow in the other…
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Another short ride this morning.

This afternoons plans were cancelled so decided to ride to some local crags and have a quick climb. Nice at the bottom of the crag in the shade of the trees, higher up above the trees found one in direct sunlight on heat absorbing rock, quite warm. Got a few climbs in which was nice before the ride home through the woods, and strangely swarms upon swarms of flies.
Is that the Roaches? When I worked in Nottingham in early 80's we'd blast up to Birchin or Stanage on a summer evening after work for a spot of climbing.
Is that the Roaches? When I worked in Nottingham in early 80's we'd blast up to Birchin or Stanage on a summer evening after work for a spot of climbing.

No Pleasley Vale, limestone as opposed to the awesome gritstone slabs of the Roaches. Though the Peak is only a 30min drive from where i am its a bit of a slog on a bike. Was up Birchen just the other day though, my go to crag for easy soloing in glorious evening sun, beautiful views and an escape from stress.
And let the rains begin…

That’s Heathrow on the horizon in the bottom right hand corner with the 40.2c today, just below the dot that is the sun setting in front of the wheel.

Thunder & lightning sunset in one direction…
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a rainbow in the other…
View attachment 645434
What a sight. I don't do anything but hunker down inside with bevvy when it's thunder-y. I check lightningmaps obsessively because I'm a nutter. Gorgeous pictures!

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