Today's Ride

A lot going on the last few days, not rat-bag establishment related. Got a beautiful morning ride in last Thursday. Wednesday through to Friday night were wall to wall blue skies and golden sunshine...not hot...but beautiful and enough to get a tan.




Best of all, I finally got the garage set-up. Over three days we cleared what felt like 3 cubic tons of dust and filth, got it cleared, cleaned and painted, then built the racks and shelves back up. Immensely satisfying.


Garage is looking good mate. I will have to ride over and get a better look! Did you collect the Kapu yet?
...was only short...

My recovery has taken an inexplicable leap forward. The physiotherapist and the breathing clinic are pleased and have encouraged me to step up my activity levels, with the proviso that I listen to my body. I'm not allowed to push myself hard like I used to. Normality beckons, if still a long way off.

I had an errand to run. A couple of miles, maybe three, and I could have managed more. Twelve months ago I would have scoffed at that distance. Today I feel very different.

Being a bit jaded was the impetus to get my ebike build sorted out. It had been lying in bits for a good few months. I ride to work but on days when I'm a bit knackered the ebike saves a tedious bus trip or taking the car & still makes me smile.

It's got some speed. I inadvertently got a Strava ebike KOM yesterday (didn't know there was such a thing!) & knocked another 32 seconds off it today. That's me done - seems a bit daft as ebikes aren't all built equal! I hammer the assistance on the way home as there's a fair bit of uphill & I want the battery run down so I can charge it from a low level. Just got to get the dead flies off my lid & beard now.

Back on the regular bike next week. Don't want to get used to this!

Along the Tyne & up Blaydon Burn
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Honestly now, is summer ever going to turn up? Yesterday was overcast, steady SW breeze, barley 14 degrees by lunchtime, less in the morning when I had a quick scoot to the dam at Drift.


This morning it was a touch warmer, another steady SW breeze, and with isolated showers. I took the opportunity to nip into Trengwainton Gardens because they left the main gate open :LOL: The scent was lovely, just a shame you're not meant to be there on a bike! (I am a NT member and volunteer so I was ready to bluff my way out if needed!)


19°C, a bit windy, but good riding weather. 41 miles to Sandwich Bay and back on the Stinson: a much more supple, comfortable ride than the alloy road bike. Not too slow either: 14.5 mph on average today, which was enough to overtake the more casual (or knackered) roadies although that's no competition to the serious ones. It was really about enjoying the ride, though, and that I did. However, being able to crack on without feeling the bike transmit every shock, bump and vibration of the rough country lanes straight to my hands was a definite bonus.
I think summer turned up this weekend. Still cooler than anywhere else, but glorious blue skies and sunshine. I defo got a sweat on Saturday afternoon. Took in a few different unknown trails and a few familiars but in reverse. It was great getting back out there, especially given Mayhem is less than a week away. The Hot felt wonderful, especially bombing down into Cot Valley for the final stretch.

Up top at Chun castle, which is nothing more than a big pile of granite and an indication of what it was. The view off the top is spot on, but the descent down it the highlight:




Token steed shot:


I encountered a space ship as well (Lands End communications tower apparently). It's got a great view of both sides of the country in 1 360.

