Today's Ride

Good to see others pictures of rides, missing the beach.

Home today with a bit of spare time on my hands so thought i would go for a quick ride before storm boris hits. Very damp n muddy n slippy, slick summer rear tyre struggled a couple of times but slid through in the end. It did not feel too cold when i set off but when out in the open the wind was piercingly bitter cold, even through two pairs of gloves. In the trees the wind was not too bad, obviously on the home stretch it was full on in my face and the smallest flakes of sleet felt like darts striking my face, luckily by then it was quite numb.

All in all a nice little ride, blew some cobwebs off and hoping to get back out a bit more regular this month.

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I took my latest purchase out for an hour or so this morning. Fresh out of it's delivery box aside from throwing on some pedals and dripping a bit of lube on the chain. It was quite a lot of fun, forks function well enough, gearing and brakes need an overhaul. Hopefully that's cleansed my mind and I'll have a productive day!

And on to today, the rain had stopped, at last, and for the last few days it has been very mild, so mild/warm today that i just had shorts and t shirt on. The trails are still very wet and even on the hardpack there is still a lot of standing water. However, once wet it is all great fun.

A short loop today, grand ideas as usual but the first stretch soon had me changing plans, a lot of walkers out and a cx rider who passed me twice, which was confusing.

Great to be on the bike on local trails again.

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I took my latest purchase out for an hour or so this morning. Fresh out of it's delivery box aside from throwing on some pedals and dripping a bit of lube on the chain. It was quite a lot of fun, forks function well enough, gearing and brakes need an overhaul. Hopefully that's cleansed my mind and I'll have a productive day!

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Good to see that with it's original paint matched forks 👌

Comfortable 10 degrees, steady 10-12mph breeze bringing it down to around 8 and a bit less in exposed parts up on the hills. High cloud with a few breaks. Way too long off the bike with all kinds of disruption (including 2 storms, endless heavy rains and work) resulting in lots of two leg action. It was proper dreamy getting on the saddle this morning and reconnecting with my joint first love. Very quiet on the roads as I'd hoped for, even more so on the hills with most livestock tucked up in sheds now. The feeling of isolation hits all my spots 👍

This is looking over to the old mine at Ding Dong (smirk, to the left) on top of the hill overlooking Zennor. A solid 25 miles before work and the push to close out next week for Christmas and new year. I'll be back in the saddle tomorrow. Can't wait!

A back-to-back day, the first in many weeks :) 10 degrees feeling like 7 or 8 with a solid 15mph easterly breeze, gusting to 20mph, high thick cloud. Pretty dark out which was a shame after an amazing moonlit evening walk with Cooper yesterday. Like any nutcase, instead of changing my route to get out of the wind, I stayed in it, head down, grinding away. The legs and mind needed the pain. Got shot out of a gun down Carn Brea hitting 45 mph+ which was equally ace and hair-raising :D

No pic's because of said lack of light, grinding and flying, so here's Coop with his lover Possett (friend of ours) on the beach last month before the storms came.
