Today's Ride

Evening ride from 11 PM to 1 AM. Went through one of the nearby towns and up through the most hilly terrain I have locally. The tempature was a nice 14 degrees albeit with a drizzle of light rain here and there.

The first and second picture was taken from the top of the hills by my local town. The moon was gorgeous and the photo doesn't do it justice. The last picture was taken by the harbour, looking towards the skyline of Aarhus.

We were promised a temperature increase in the weekend, but it looks as if that's no longer on the program. But I'm not so unhappy with that, I'm actually rather looking forward to a nice cool autumn, hopefully with very little precipitation.


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Copenhagen is hosting WorldPride. So my Sunday ride went through a city clad in rainbow colours.
The city hall square almost felt like things were back to normal:

The Royal Theatre:

A sign I came across on the way home:

I also got a couple of new pins for my jackets.

One of the kids at work (a kindergarten) thinks the flag one is Tha Shiznit. So we have made a date to go to Pride together next year so she can get one of her own, provided that her parents can afford the cost of DKR 35/$ 5.50 (which she wasn't sure of).
Ride through the local towns and out for a spin in the woods. Legs were sore from last nights ride but luckily, as a singlespeeder, I am pretty damn good at walking.

Been cloudy with a brisk breeze most of the day. No rain though, which is always nice.

I am currently working my strength up for some pretty long rides, hopefully will be able to do a bit of backpacking before the arrival of winter.


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Very mild, 16 degrees, brisk breeze on the tops, very overcast, thick low cloud.

Last day working for big cheese LLP so got a nice reverse loop ride. It meant I could take a side road off Gear Hill onto Trewey Hill which was ace. The view off the top, even with the clouds, was excellent; looking down on toy-town Zennor.




You can see the BB306, the usual road to St Ives winding up. In a few weeks time, Cav and the crew will be here cycling the Tour Of Britain, so really looking forward to seeing a Tour first hand. I have my box of tacks ready!
It was a sunny but breezy afternoon and definitely late summer rather than height of summer temperatures—good riding weather. After trying my hand at road biking last week, it was good to get on a mountain bike again this week. The Ridgeback hadn't seen much action recently, mainly because the rear mech was bugging me, but I swapped mechs the other day and it was riding sweetly . . . PXL_20210823_140939170.jpg

. . . Until it stopped riding sweetly because one of the jockey wheels worked its way loose. With one washer lost, the indexing wasn't quite perfect, so I headed back to base to get the Stumpy and, five miles or so later, I was back in the same spot.


Cycling along the seafront toward Hillborough was a slog against a strong headwind, so I stopped for some extra sports nutrition:

The wind was so strong it was eroding the ice cream, whipping off globules of sugary unhealthiness that I wanted. So, I wolfed it down as quickly as I could and headed on.

The seagulls thought they'd found something interesting:

On the way back—kitesurfing at Whitstable:

Finally, a couple of shots from the Crab and Winkle Way on the way back home:

35 miles in total and, after a frustrating start, a great afternoon's ride.
Short ride down to the local forest, then hiked through it while hauling the bike along. It has some pretty steep sections which I didn't capture on the phone, mostly because I was out of breath and sweating like hell as I tried to make it up to the top before the runner with his dog behind me could catch up. I failed utterly as he ran past, beating his dog around the corner - leaving me behind like the overly breathy lard dragon I am.


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