Today's Ride

Yesterday and today saw my bond with the little blue bike grow stronger... broke the 30 minute barrier into the bargain.

The weather has been a mixed bag this week. Today was a bold step: I dared shorts. It was worth it. Photos won't upload for some reason, so you'll have to use your imagination
^^^ As long as you rode it, I reckon that counts.

Anyway, today's weather forecast was not encouraging: rain, followed by a mere 40%-50% chance of rain for a couple of hours, followed by an 80%-90% chance of heavy rain, followed by more rain for the rest of the day. So, I took a gamble on the couple of hours when I might not get soaked and headed out. In truth, it's been an exhausting week, so I thought a couple of hours would probably be enough for today. I didn't want to be stuck in a downpour trying to study a route, so I just took the familiar, peaceful route to Adisham.

Sunshine on the golden fields and dark clouds looking ominous:

Wet, muddy, splashy, but a nice ride . . . So far. The legs were feeling good and I was wondering about going further but the weather was just waiting to ambush me at the furthest point:
That haze, just above the grass is the rain. And in a few seconds it was upon me. At a pleasant 10 degrees after the wind chill factor was accounted for, I was wearing shorts, but I had a waterproof top in my bag, so I just headed straight into that grey wetness. It wasn't that bad and, in fifteen minutes, I was damp but it was easing off.

By the time I was returning to civilization, the sun was out again. IMG_20210516_111713.jpg
That's the cathedral sticking its spires above the tree and photo-bombing my nice bike photo. ;)


And soon after, I was home, and ten minutes later it absolutely chucked it down.

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