Today's Ride


Today-Friday-Another short training ride today through the Church of the Redwoods. Also, thanks for all of the kind words, guys... :)


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:cool: love Redwood trees, we have a few over here but not quite as big as over there :)
:shock: is that a corner i see :LOL:

and remember, its not the riding that makes you stronger, its the resting and eating proper food :cool:

Today-Sunday-Back out for another short get stronger ride. I stopped at the MTB Museum downtown to chat with Charlie Kelly on the way home and took some snaps for your enjoyment...


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Today-Monday-Rode to Deer Park, the first place I rode to a week ago. It was easier by a good bit today, but a loooong way to go yet... :)


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Don’t forget the temperature! :LOL: I like the information. Your posts are the equivalent of putting on a favourite pair of comfortable shoes.
Havent been out on my bike for a while now, shame as i was starting to get a noticeable benefit fom it. Since i had the forks fixed on my KTM i have been spending most my time on that which really saps my energy, fun though :D

Anyway, today i decided to go on a short ride, my daughter is on school hols and to be fair it was her that actually sugested a ride. We went on a short loop along some easy trails along the side of the river and steam railway and ended up going all the way to the end of the trail :shock: i was a bit tired by then but my 8yr old decided we would race back, which, i admit, was hard and by the end of the ride i could deffinatly feel it. The ride took us just under 3hrs which included a couple of short stops along the way, so a long ride at a good pace, i was in top gear most the way back trying to keep up :shock: :facepalm: :LOL:

Great day, great ride. :cool:


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