Today's Ride


Today-Sunday-We rode up into the Water District on Tam, past Phoenix Lake and a round about way back to the descent to Fairfax. Pretty nice out in the sun, about 56 F. today...


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Re: Snow isn't always bad...

So I will kick it off! Today was one of those rare winter days when the snow stayed frozen (it's supposed to be under 0 for over a week!) and was nice and powdery so I went off to explore some local trails to where I moved. I have never ridden these trails in the summer so I have no idea what was under the snow, there was a fair amount of hike-a-bike for crazy climbs I couldn't get grip on and stuff that was just too scary :oops:



It was my first ride in many months and I could feel the skills coming back and I started to dare doing small drops and attack steep step ups as well as increase my speed. I wish all winters were like this rather than the usual slurry of nasty that makes everything unpleasant... At the end I even found a fire pit on an outlook over the lake that was still smoking, was tempted to build up the fire again but had to get home.

I have been reading through this whole thread and it's been fun reading about all of your 2 wheeled exploits! Nice to get some different perspectives on riding in different places in the world (but pat wins of course) and get inspired to get on with adventures to share with you as well.

26er":2n7jbwtx said:
Is this Norway? Unofficial and off the record of course...

Off the record I think you and I live pretty close! I live in Stockholm.
26er":34hpeus0 said:
Thanks, Pat! Hope you'll get better too b4 the summer comes... however, today the summer felt very distant riding on frozen lakes for almost three hours. Gotta get in shape since Woz is back in town. So he doesn't drop me on the cols next time we ride.

The best part was watching skaters' faces when I passed them on my bike.

So 26er, were you riding studded tires on that lake? A friend of mine in Wisconsin over here has an iceboat and a bike with studded tires he uses on the lakes in his area- also,say hi to Woz for me when you see him next...Pat

been a while so indulge me. Today, with photo resizing on Mac. Bit of an experiment to avoid the dreaded photobucket stranglehold.


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Today-Thursday-Feels like spring around here, the plum trees are blossoming and it's 67F. and sunny... :)


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Re: Frozen

This was last weekend, was too tired to post these up after the ride so they're going up now!

I decided to just explore the area I moved to rather than trying the MTB trails this time. The archipelago in Stockholm was frozen so I didn't need any boats or bridges to explore some islands!


This island has a bunch of tiny summer homes but some people live here all year round. It is 1km long and 250 m across.


It looks like the middle of nowhere but in the background civilisation looms...


Finally time to cross over the vast nothing


The circle of life... and spokes


On my way home I couldn't help but wonder what nice retro MTBs where slaughtered to create this...


The nice frozen landscape has since turned to slush so it will be probably a month or so for everything to dry up and spring to spring so for all you with more temperate climates keep posting so I have something to look forward to while I daydream of bike adventures!
FairfaxPat":e40tqgbp said:
So 26er, were you riding studded tires on that lake? A friend of mine in Wisconsin over here has an iceboat and a bike with studded tires he uses on the lakes in his area- also,say hi to Woz for me when you see him next...Pat
Yes Pat! Shitload of studs on the front (see the first image) and just half of that on the rear for more sideways fun ;)

You really need all the studs you can get on the front to keep it from washing out under you... which still happens now and then despite 300 of them. :shock:

Unfortunately Woz went back to France after only a week up here. Said it was too cold for him... :facepalm: but will let him know you said hello next time we speak.

The second image is a T-bird I saw on my ride today. Love them in that state of graceful decay. The guy where it was sitting does a lot of resprays of classic rides so pretty sure it will look like new b4 the spring hits us. I'd keep it just the way it is...


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