tioga disc drive


Dirt Disciple
does anybody remember these wheels? i always wanted one when they came out :) alas i just didnt want to pay the cash they wanted :shock: regret it still today as thought they were cool as fook. anybody ever had one/still got one maby? what were they like to ride? :?: did i make the right decision not to fork out for one :LOL:
I think there is still one for sale in the For Sale section and new, though under the Sugino brand (the people who actually made them for Tioga)
There are also a few in use one here and a few more who have had them and passed them on. No idea who actually had one BiTD though.

I have no opinion on their use or maintenance. Nearest I came to one was some plastic strap on a friend had, <oh err misses>
Jez-4-Bikes-Max is your man to talk to, to be honest I think he breeds them the amount he has/has had!

£400 is about the price your going to have to pay in today's money.

Be warned though, they do have a shelf life.......
no way, i remember john tomac using them :)

Tomac on a .. Giant .. :shock: god help the world.. we'll be getting plastic bikes next.

<edit snip the middleburn stuff, that was ment for another thread :LOL: >
Had one for a quite while & can't for the life of me remember why I ever sold it. :oops: In fact most of the people I rode with had them, Dan Allen, Dan Gay, Darren Tapp, they all had them at one time or another.

A great wheel, can't remember it being all that different to ride on, but the noise....... oh the noise. :twisted:

& yes, you should've bought one!


One of the only reasons I take the klein out so often it the disc drive on the back.

Sounds so sweet.....To replicate. Tie and empty wheely bin to your bike and enjoy a trip back in time.

I would have one on every bike if i could afford it.

i wish i had bought a load bitd.
doobydoo":1gocs8nw said:
does anybody remember these wheels? i always wanted one when they came out :) alas i just didnt want to pay the cash they wanted :shock: regret it still today as thought they were cool as fook. anybody ever had one/still got one maby? what were they like to ride? :?: did i make the right decision not to fork out for one :LOL:

Q remember the wheels..
A yes of course
Q cool as fook..
A yes & no. looked & sounded awesome, kinda flexy & prone to breakage. I broke a few of them.
Q what were they like to ride?
A slighty flexy, which was fine on rougher trails & DHs, not so great out the saddle sprinting. downright dangerous in strong sidewinds. buggas to clean. heavier than a normal spoked wheel.
Q did i make the right decision not to fork out for one
A if your trails are super smooth, flowing then no. if they're super rocky & technical, or you have lots of minor crashes, or generally hard on parts/wheels then yes.

they seem to come up on ebay fairly often, so fairly easy to pick up. kinda funny how not so many years ago you could pick them up for buttons. I've had all 3 tioga variations.