Time to move the Retro bar up a bit ... maybe to 2000+?


The more I read, listen and think about it, I'm swaying towards a simpler forum and the pre and post 2k is making sense. I'll be keeping the planned weekender as decades though as it'll show progression
You can shuffle forum categories around as much as you like. If people aren't bothered about posting and participating then the forum will continue to decline. It's that simple.

In an attempt to get some stoke boosted Longun suggested about the global retro ride. Ride as a group, ride solo, whatever, just go ride a retro yesterday and post a pic from your ride. As it stands we have nine and a half rides posted. 9.5! Is that really the best we can do?

Beat me to it there firedfromthecircus , sums if up reaaly , 13 pages of what if's and 2 pages of "global get out and actually ride" , pretty pathetic really .

A more simplified forum as mentioned above kind of makes sense, although there will always be that golden era of late 80s up to mid 90s when mountain biking became a thing. The more we progress from late-90s onwards, the more we lose the original spirit of mountain biking and the less retro bikes become. Maybe RB has declined as people have fulfilled their dream collections and builds and have moved on. Also there are now numerous retro-esque groups on Facebook, offering a simpler and more immediate means of communication. As mentioned on other similar RB threads, maybe RB needs to reinvent itself.

Regarding ride posting.. i ride retro regularly and it all goes on Strava to share with my riding buddies etc with pics, maps, data, all done almost instantly before the post ride coffee is served. Technology has moved on. Upload all that again manually on a clunky old platform like Retrobike? Who's got time for that?
I suggest creating a Retrobike Club on Strava, it will be rich with content!