thought i'd give a cancer operation update

Amazing write up Jon. Thanks so much for sharing. Sounds absolutely brutal, but you're here to share your story which we are all grateful for.

Good luck recovering and making it back to the shop next week! 💪👍👌

What's eBay listing No. for your kidney??? 😜
It's only people who have been properly ill who want to get back to normal quickly! Please be patient, healing is work now!

I hope to stop by the shop again soon to say hi!
Glad you are home and recovering mate. Having spent plenty of nights in hospital with my lad this year, listening to other patients conversations I can appreciate some of what you went through.
thanks chaps.

so today i got up, had a shower etc, had some toast and relaxed for a bit, had to nip to the shop with my dad to sort the electricity reading (otherwise it would have been a pain) after this i wandered around our street but it had made me tired so i went for a lie down. cut to 6pm and i went for another wander, what would normally be a 5 minute walk took 20 minutes, i didn't mean to go that long, i got half way and realised i'd gone too far but had no choice but to continue. got home and sat down for dinner, ate, went to bed and slept for 2 plus hours, it's things like that that catch me out, a walk means sleeping!
you had the surgery last tuesday? Sounds like you're doing perfect :)

It's a fine balance between doing too much and not enough - if in doubt, err towards not enough! your body tells you when you've had enough and it's wise to listen.

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