This was me 38 years ago.


Devout Dirtbag
If i remember correctly this was taken by the local paper the day before the 1974 Bromsgrove Grand Prix. It's my training bike as my race bike had been cleaned and put to bed. I found the photo only recently when sorting through my late father's effects. Note the lack of braze-ons and very rare Campag rear hub with large flange on the gear side and small flange the other side. The cutouts on the chainrings I did myself with a Black and Decker and a file in my shed. Also, note the original Adidas Bambas, very trendy I was! 1974 Dave Moulton.

I was 14 ish at the time and I think I was riding a copper plated Woodrup with chrome forks and the same "home made" changes to the seat post and chain rings LOL

Date I have on the pic is 1976 but I think it's a bit earlier..

Reminds me that last Sunday was the 50th anniversary of my first 'proper' race, a '25' on the Chester By-pass course.

Don't time fly when you're enjoying yourself ;)

BTW, if that was your 'training' bike - what was your best bike like :shock: :?:
i was 12 in 74 ,and i think i had a red Viscount around that time it was a great bike , wish i still had it .

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