1937 Cyclo Ace gears back in use.

my goodness that is first class made my day reading your post, road bike of the month enter it and they will vote trust me :-) Can your Dad see much these days to appreciate it? I did a 1951 Claud Butler for a friend, so rewarding.

Doubledee, my father has looked over the bike and was surprised at the results, as you say it was very rewarding and a pleasure to do.
Since putting on the longer stem, the bike is a much better fit for me and I have enjoyed riding her, no signs of wobble just a smile on my face.
I may even consider riding this bike at Eroica (UK) later this year.
Fantastic. 8)
And I'm glad you posted in in RBoTM as I would never have seen this thread otherwise.
If ever there was a bike that deserved a professional photo-shoot.......

Lovely build 8)

but to bring a bit of history, I strongly suspect that the rear derailleur is of "french origin"
probably built under license.
According to Frank Berto's book, The Dancing Chain , its origin goes back to 1920 - l'As or the Ace was manufactured by Brunet & Company near St Etienne.
seems to be the first of a range of similar design such as the "Montagnard" or "Super Champion" which is probably the most well known.

To those interested the book of Berto is really enlightning about the development of the "derailleur" over the ages :idea: