legrandefromage":36bz97rs said:
silverclaws":36bz97rs said:
Often it is the poorer or less skilled a person is, the more their work life balance is tipped in the favour of work.
Except for those who see work as their reason to live, which I can understand but those that do that only tend to realise too late that work is not everything in life as they look back at the best years of their lives wasted on an employer.
Are you actually aware of the self employed?
Yes, I am and I hope to become that very soon after some reasonably hopeful talks with the joke centre yesterday, my idea is good and useful in these austere times. My plan is doing the job I used to do for my own benefit not an employers, for I was the operation my employer reaped the rewards, the employer can be cut out of the equation as I have been collecting the tools I need these past few years and making others. All I need now is a noddy van as transport and a place to work from, a premises. My craft, that thing I have at college been pursuing these past few years, the question now, why do I need a BA when my skills already peak above that standard, what is the point of a qualification when I can be self employed already.
My skills are self taught, my silversmithing and jewellery making, just grab a book, read and do, self taught through trial and error, I now unofficially teach my art to other students, so it has been suggested a pgc I should take as my skills are natural as I understand teaching as communication that thing I struggle with, so try so many different ways to make my teaching understood as to not be successful in teaching tells me I have yet again failed in my communication.
My plans are to be self employed doing what I love as my craft and pastime, so I see the work life balance with me, if I can get it going to blend all into one as I find enjoyment in fault finding repair and rectification, tools are my craft, the making and using of.
That is if I can find the confidence to believe in my own abilities, believe what others have told me is true, like why am I struggling and getting frustrated at college when I can do to a high standard already.
But confidence is the key, long term unemployment has the nasty effect as to sap that right out of a person, not that confidence was a strong point in me before that either.
But whatever, never again a slave to others, if I am skilled, then it is for my benefit, pocket and joy to reap.