The Wicker Man


Gold Trader
Got this on at the moment, and Mrs A reckons I'm only watching because Britt Ekland gets naked!

How very dare she?!
Wasn't actually Britt though, it was a stripper from Glasgow brought in as a body double.
The daft re-make features an actress who can only be described as 'Trout Mouth'. She makes Lesley Ash look normal.
Excellent film. Had the DVD box set. Double disc of the two versions, TV version & cinema version.
Had that years ago, it appeared in parts more like a documentary than a story it was that chopped to pieces by sensors, as I understand when it came out it upset the church so they put the tuppence worth of demands to remove certain items from it, but if one finds the novel which was written after the movie, the bits that were chopped out make sense as the novel was not subject to sensors.

There was at one time a suggestion that the wicker man was based upon a novel called 'Ritual' by David Piner, now I used to have that novel, an original complete with falling out yellow pages and it is similar, but not the same, but the plot is typical so whether Schaffer nicked the idea or was inspired in immaterial both are just as good as each other.

The music I used to like as at the time I was into Irish and Scots Folk music and try finding who wrote that, names I have are Giovanni and Magnet whoever they were, but eventually I managed to get the complete songs, not necessary by the original artists, but complete songs and I was happy with that.

But the Wicker man is a gem in British Movies, I could not bring myself to watch the latest version, as I do not want something so beautiful despite the choppings diluted by hollywood, as Americans trying to capture what is British they generally fail, so what's the point as one knows it is not going to hit the mark, so why bother.