The Warlord has landed!

It most certainly is! Found a few 25.8m seatposts on ebay, so I'll soon be able to put a normal saddle on it. Can't at the moment as the post has a weird clamp on it that won't join to normal saddle rails.
I have tensioned it up on the wider part of the chainring. It's not too loose on the narrower part. Should be right until I can get a single chainring on there.
Well, today will be my third trip in to work on the Warlord. I do need to change the gearing, as the current set-up is leading to me spinning out on anything other than an uphill. However, what a cracking bike! It's been a long time since I've road rigid and I absolutely love it. It's just so direct. I'm currently riding a 5" travel f & r '05 Kona Coiler, which I also love, but its no where near as direct as riding the shed of a work-hack.

Which leads me to think I need to sell the Coiler and go back to at least a hard tail. But, this forum has distorted my opinion of modern bike and now I find myself looking at old Hei Hei frames etc. What have you all done to me!!!

*Goes off to look in classifieds for a 17" rigid frame...*