The ugliest thing on two wheels.

rumpfy":2fvonmq7 said:
I've got some awful builds myself. If I share them, will you all take a deep breath and let it roll off?

Seems like the sharing has been offence taken by the way ;)
You guys know nothing, that bike was a collaboration with fisher price and specialized I bet it even has Lego attachment options too
Re: Funniest thing I have ever seen..

I can see a few things wrong with it..................Er...........................
Um......................Hang on....................................
Everything really.

Though as someone said he's built it how he wanted it so
fair do's, still perfectly reasonable for us to take the p!ss
though :LOL:

Cheekygrin":v8xhkd0p said:
There is a flip side to Retro bikes.. why dont you have a wall of shame? A lot of fashion faux pas were made (thinking of me in my Etto helmet, Nishiki Alien Al and fluoro clothing..)

Yeah, like the Barryboys site only Barrybike :LOL:
this is clearly not the ugliest thing on two wheels....when i find a piccie of jordan riding a trek ill post it.......heheheheheh
Dr S":3ccdszyj said:
Wow, thats so ugly it could be a GT !! :roll: :D
Very funny... Some peoples does have bad taste, we just have to get rid with it


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