"And hence the tactic of targeting young smokers, don't create the smokers in the first place then it will be all out war on the adults as adults have no acts of parliament protecting them from abuse, that is if the government is sincere in it's wish to stop people smoking which I somehow doubt."
Yes tried and tested it works easy as, with children it is easy they watch their parents, see cool images of cartoon characters, pop idols, super models etc, with 'adults' it's not so easy generally they know whats good and bad for them.....generally!
"But the question is, how is the treasury going to replace the lost revenue it is currently getting, what thing do we use will be hit by more tax or indeed tax where it was not taxed before ?"
the cost of treatment outweighs the cost of revenue gained period!
Now in the past I'd guess that the treatment cost less than revenue gained after all there is at least 30% less smokers than in the 1970's.
Approximately 2/3 of hand rolled tobacco is now smuggled into the country avoiding tax, sad thing is by avoiding tax smokers (who are generally though not always what is classed as routine & manual) are shortchanging a system they will undoubtedly need later in life for themselves their parents, their children...rich folk are insulated through private pensions, porivate health care/ care homes and education.
"Now some might think me kind of negative, but it is my feeling that this country puts money and wealth generation before people and their care, so I can't help but be cynical when it comes to anything those in power do."
I probably agree with you on that, in the last 20 years all governments have been the same, just different names, they all attend the same schools/ universities, same investments etc, etc all cack in the same pot!