The Sith is back

Hey Si

Fantastic to see your name at the top of a post on here again mate. Welcome back. I trust everything is going well :D :D
Hi fellas// good to be back , ... kaiser ... PMSL thats funny ,, just what I need right now.. god you boys have been busy on the macretro chat thingy, nearly 300 pages of dribble :roll: :LOL: :LOL: dont you have lives to live :LOL:

:shock: :roll: Are you Macretro lot having some sort of competition to see who can obtain the most bikes in the stables :roll: I see the Dr has gone 'nutty; again... :roll: :LOL: :cool:

I'll catch you soon boys.. looks like it is going to be a long road to recovery ,so it will give me some time to rebuild the stables, ;)

looks like I have missed out on quite a few decent outings.. :evil: .. but I am planning for a full 'active' return sometime in the spring if things go ok.. :) so watch out ye kilt wearers.. :LOL: :LOL: ...

Oh god what have I started :roll: :roll: :oops: :LOL:
Hi Si
Hope things have turned out better than expected.I'll pm you

:D Good nto hear from you :D
Wotcha Gimpy ;)

You won't believe how good it is to see you back on here- that's a corner turned for sure! Good to see you are on the mend and the hair transplant was a success :LOL:

See you round the big shed sometime?
