Good reading, Ed.
Similarly, there ought to be legislation banning outright the use/possession/wearing or suggestion thereof, in a public place or otherwise, and constituted a societal menace, other than by a girl or woman, of 3/4-length tights. Gives not only the wearer a 'bad' name, but the fraternity in general.
With no exceptions.
And whilst I'm at it, tri-bars or whatever you call them. I mean, there're a couple of obviously quite recent 'blokes' (at least I think they're blokes - it's impossible to tell, which tells you something) now out and about round here. Nothing but [snip][snip] 3/4-length tights, three feet of seat-post, [snip] bars, all flat-backed and super-aerodynamic-looking as they 'spin' a 56/12 at nine revs a minute @ 18mph, endlessly dreaming of next years' 'Ironman' title or some latest 'fashion' accessory.
'Triathletes' I think they call themselves. Aye? Really?? The day bikes and their riders become 'fashionable' is the day its soul is lost. Or I take up jogging. Or swimming.
[Written with at least partly humorous intent. Any implicit discriminatory reference(s) reside wholly with the legatee. No offence intended or implied. Have a good weekend, all
Hey - I'm now a 'dirt disciple'!!