The 'Introduce Yourself Here' thread II

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Re: Greetings fellow bike riders...

subversion":3omfwzql said:
Been riding a 1993 Kona Cindercone for the last 15 years & just stripped & rebuilt it.


Re: Greetings fellow bike riders...

subversion":3ubne1d4 said:
Been riding a 1993 Kona Cindercone for the last 15 years & just stripped & rebuilt it.

<Terminator 2 voice>Say, that's a nice bike...</Terminator 2 voice>

Seriously, that's nice, man.
Hi All,

Been watching the site for some time, but my first post.
Been Mountain Biking for 15/16 years starting with a Trek830 before moving on to first an Orange O2, which was sold a couple of years ago, and then to an 2002 Orange Sub3 and then a 2007 Clockwork, both of which I still have.
Am a founder member of down in the depths of Worcestershire.

Hi all, I love this site, its great to see all (well most) of the bikes and parts I lusted after in my youth are still being ridden
Hi there,

I've already introduced myself somewhere else but thought I'd pop on here too just for the sake of it *waves*

Been biking since I was a wee nipper, lost my way as an early teen and re-gained my way from, ohhh I'd say about 15 I reckon....I'm looking for my old bikes and have stumbled across a few. Currently building up one of my own hardtail frames and will post a pic when it's ready.

But for now here goes:


  • Lee's First DH Bike.jpg
    Lee's First DH Bike.jpg
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  • Lee's First M1.jpg
    Lee's First M1.jpg
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  • My Caygill Build old skool!.jpg
    My Caygill Build old skool!.jpg
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  • Bombproof Bikes.jpg
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Just thought I'd pop my 1990 Fire Mountain into the mix. Came from a friend who'd had it from new but had sat in their garage for 15 years. Everything was rusted/corroded/knackered so I've singlespeeded it and modernised it a little. (The U Brake was a bitch!)

Is that the ultimate crime on this site or is it allowed?

Only been MTBing for 5 years so never lusted after old bikes but in my head it's still 1989 so they seem really exciting and cool!

What I will say is that it rides as well as my modern hardtail and is more fun than my full suss...I think I've got the bug!


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Hi all

just like to say hi all and what a site!!!

28 years old been mtbing for around 15 years now and starting to want loads of retro bikes that ive had from my past, started with 1995 Kona cinder cone.

Hi all,
Just happened to stumble across the site, and I feel like Ive found home already!!
Im 37yrs old, have been riding and racing MTB's since I was 19 and have still got my first bike, a 1989 Alpine Stars Cro-Mega LX (the pre-elevated stays model)
My first race on my pink beauty was a Yorkshire MBC race at Tong in Bradford. We used to be regulars at the NEMBA races where we would do Trials and downhill on the Saterday then the XC race on Sunday, all on the same bike. Others included the Boltby Bash, Cheshire Classic, YMBC races etc
The Cro-Mega was soon swapped out for an Orange Aluminium O with some early Pace RC30's, this then gave way to one of the first Trek 9800 OCLV bikes in the country, again, a bike that I still have!!

I'll get some pics together of these machines in their former glory, and I reckon I'll dig the Cro-Mega out and re-build it with some of the old guff that (because Im a sad old git) Ive never thrown away.
I'm Tom, just getting back on a bike after several years away doing other things. Got hit with the nostigila (spelling?) trip and bought myself a Muddy Fox explorer as I couldn't afford one one when they were new.

It needs a bit of work but at the moment its useable. I want to bring it back to its former glory and quite fancy tracking down some of the muddy fox/paw print wheel covers :D

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