The "I'm not doing so well" thread

My 19 year old finally made a successful solo rail journey to Hull to participate as an extra in some filming - I felt for years that neither I nor she was really coping, but finally we make some progress….

Hang on in there…..
Is that some some Victorian era thing again they're doing down old town area.
My head was doing ok until recently. My body is kind of clapped out from overuse, but I can live with that.

However, I broke my leg in July. A very simple break which I self-splinted so that I could move to a better spot to be rescued from, but I still needed an air lift out [biking is not my only outdoor sport; this was climbing]. All good so far. But the surgeon has made a total F up of setting the leg. My foot is now sticking out at 45deg which means I can only cycle if I use a pedal extender on the drive side, and there is no way on earth that I can ski. If I tell you I have 18 pairs of skis, covering many disciplines you will understand what this means to me.

I am now awaiting remedial surgery to re-break and re-set the leg. At this stage I have no idea how long this will take, but the coming winter is certainly to be trashed. And the thought of another operation isn't good either. I had a rod inserted under my kneecap, down through the tibia, and 4 pins. It hurts like hell most days and is still swelling up, after nearly three weeks.

My work is affected, but so far not my take home pay, which is a blessing.

But it is doing my head in......even allowing for the fact that I can, sort of, ride. Gentle stuff, nothing technical or pushy. I wouldn't mind so much if I'd been in a bad smash and my leg had been mangled, compound fractured etc, but it was a very simple break. I would have been better off going DIY with a bottle of whiskey and a SAM splint!

I don't think I'm depressed yet, but certainly I'm not anything like 100% . Maybe if I can get the pain under control and get a date for the next op. that might help. Meantime, I ride when I can and try to be thankful that, in the scheme of things, I ain't so badly off.....but at 61 this isn't helping slow down that slippery slope..............

That’s huge.

So frustrating. I hate losing time in the winter season.

I’m 64 and have a litany of injuries (broken back, collar bones, shoulder, ACL) and although I’m crap at the discipline of recuperative physio I’m in better competitive shape than I was at 30.

I’ve managed to correct alignment through physio but yours sounds very fundamental and tedious (some bone doctors are known ‘that will do’) and how frustrating that the alignment was poor. It’s good that you have had a referral for correction even though the season is compromised. Easter possible?

My son and I weather the terrible snow and crowds last Easter…it was fabulous 1666249103610.webp
James bike - Bloody hell that sounds like an ongoing theatrical drama.

But maybe that’s the way to see it…what’s next in the narrative….

And can you control that narrative?

I see the mantra ‘one life…live it’ on the back of pickups with a couple of bikes in the back…and I think ‘true and not true’ … I think it’s right that we should constantly ACT. When is the right time to do something? Usually NOW!!! So the mantra is right on that.

It’s wrong in that I feel I have had multiple lives. One when I was young. My father then died when I was 6. Bang…new life. I then screwed up everything until rescued by a teacher and a great girlfriend Bang….new life. Married in my 30s then my wife died of cancer… life. And the idea of ‘new life’ actually came after that. She is dead, I am not. Every day is a gift use it. That was 30 years ago. Various life threatening accidents … each reminds me of ‘new life’ … and yes I feel trapped by circumstances sometimes but i’ll take as much control of the narrative as I can … big decisions coming soon … keep riding, keep the good friends … what’s next …
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Bloody hell that sounds like an ongoing theatrical drama.

But maybe that’s the way to see it…what’s next in the narrative….

And can you control that narrative?

I see the mantra ‘one life…live it’ on the back of pickups with a couple of bikes in the back…and I think ‘true and not true’ … I think it’s right that we should constantly ACT. When is the right time to do something? Usually NOW!!! So the mantra is right on that.

It’s wrong in that I feel I have had multiple lives. One when I was young. My father then died when I was 6. Bang…new life. I then screwed up everything until rescued by a teacher and a great girlfriend Bang….new life. Married in my 30s then my wife died of cancer… life. And the idea of ‘new life’ actually came after that. She is dead, I am not. Every day is a gift use it. That was 30 years ago. Various life threatening accidents … each reminds me of ‘new life’ … and yes I feel trapped by circumstances sometimes but i’ll take as much control of the narrative as I can … big decisions coming soon … keep riding, keep the good friends … what’s next …
Agreed variety is the spice of life!

Some people do see major trauma and tragedy, accidents and acute illness.

Whilst others see chronic illness, anxiety or depression often without a cure or without an end.

Some people's lives are defined by choices whilst others are defined by character.
Sounds like someone needs to say No.
You are allowed.
Let them sort out proper staffing and pay.
They just work on the fact people don't like to say no.
Do it. Say no.
Mrs Chopper has learned that word of late, most unlike her.

She was a teacher, but having MS she was particularly vulnetable covid was moved to be the PA to the principal for no loss of pay. Shes happy, regular hours, not having to deal directly with troublesome herberts, lovely.

Or it was. Another senior staff members has dropped some hours and gone part time, fair enough to them for that. However, their workload can no longer be fitted into the reduced working week so the school have tried to dump the excess on Mrs Chopper for no extra pay. Even more galling, the staff member concerned is on a higher pay scale.

So Mrs Chopper said "no". The school didn't like it and HR got a bit arsey and made some unpleasant rumblings, ao she went to the union and they habe given a very emphatic "no" on her behalf, followed by a "see you in tribunal if you try and force the issue."

I told Mrs Chopper to quit. We have no mortgage or loans, other than monthly bills we own no one a penny. We have very healthy savings, she has a police pension as do I, and on top of that I have an injury on duty pension which is tax free (I actually "take home" more than when I was working) so we'd be fine. She whont though. Shes younger tha me and wants to push oh, and shes worried that if she stops the MS will creep up on her. Also the extra cash is hers to spend - she had a bit of a new car havit and doesnt like to pith money away on PCPs or the like, so that means laying down the readies each time. So fair enough, its her decision and my conscience is clear that I have supported her in taking the way out if she wants and shes made her decision.

But it really irks me. How difficult is it to turn up for work and be able to do a job without utter bellendery from an employer? Watching repeats of The Office I have come to realise it isn't a comedy - its a bloody documentary!


That’s huge.

So frustrating. I hate losing time in the winter season.

I’m 64 and have a litany of injuries (broken back, collar bones, shoulder, ACL) and although I’m crap at the discipline of recuperative physio I’m in better competitive shape than I was at 30.
Over the years ive done most of the bones on my right foot, nearly all my ribs, right arm, right elbow, right collarbone, and its my right hip thats has plain old worn out. In damp weather im so uncormfortable I can't even sleep on my right hand side, despite having a super comfy and gently supportive water bed.

I grumble, but I get on with it. The last thing a fighter loses is his punch, and any young hotdog who fancies taking over as apex predator will find out that im still dangerous. (Actually, its a crap metaphor as I boxed in the army but was utterly hopeless at it, but you get the idea.)
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That’s huge.

So frustrating. I hate losing time in the winter season.

I’m 64 and have a litany of injuries (broken back, collar bones, shoulder, ACL) and although I’m crap at the discipline of recuperative physio I’m in better competitive shape than I was at 30.

I’ve managed to correct alignment through physio but yours sounds very fundamental and tedious (some bone doctors are known ‘that will do’) and how frustrating that the alignment was poor. It’s good that you have had a referral for correction even though the season is compromised. Easter possible?

My son and I weather the terrible snow and crowds last Easter…it was fabulous View attachment 672380
I'm not sure I want to see that photo !;))

Yeh, the big think for me to get my head round is going from a simple break to being, sport-wise, kind of disabled, just because someone was very cavalier with my leg.

BTW, I have a proper disabled sister, in a wheelchair, so I know where I sit on the scale of things. I broke my back in six places some years ago and walked away from the crag under my own steam. Long time in hospital though, and longer rehab. So I know how lucky I am. But......this situation is naff, and should not have happened......

Heads a ******* mess at present, work commitments and expectations are silly, I'm not riding as much as I'd liked, people really frustrate me, some will understand how hard the malverns was physically, emotionally and mentally. Had a day in york with the wife and sprog and although I love york as a place, it was too busy and awkward.

I don't feel 100% at all anymore

Age, coming of my happy pills, wanting g an easier steadier life.......?????

I'm sure I'm not the only one

Rant away

Simple rule of the thread is to just vent and put in black and white how you feel

I hate this planet at present......I want to get off


Hmm, I know the feeling.

I have a couple of days off work now, and I really CBA to go back, its so busy, and as much as I keep at it to the best of my ability, but I feel like my MH is starting to suffer. To add to that, my work mate has now left, and I feel as though im just existing.

Bikes are my get away from it all though, and the current weather is just a right downer on things..ho hum.

Hope your all keeping well though, and have some nice winter projects to keep yourselves busy. I have a few to go at thankfully!
