The "I'm not doing so well" thread

...and its 4.8%

Just dont leave any Scrumpy Jack nearby

Carry on.
Mate its your choice to drink it effects folk differently ....i cant drink it turns me into a bigger c@#t than i am already !
Its been the cause of ruin for most of my friends and myself and is best avoided during periods of declining mental health ...
Ie repeating negative thought patterns ..... But what ever escapism suits you best !
Torqueless, I'll assume you're more of a cat person then?

That's meant light-heartedly, you're entirely entitled to not like dogs! But, lets all bear in mind that this thread (and it's not the first on RetroBike) is potentially a source of support, and perhaps a valuable sounding board for friends that are having a tough time. It needs positivity. if you're having a tough time yourself, let it out, but let's try and keep the thread, and this site, supportive.

Well,after lots of very careful assessment and in discussion with those around me, and zero back up from everybody else that discussion that have happened and they were involved in wearnt what I claim they are. I beleive we have found the problem and root cause of all of this.

It turns out its me. Its been me for a long time and if i continue with my current path, it will be me for ever more. Its good to know really, so i guess the next question is how to remove me.
Well,after lots of very careful assessment and in discussion with those around me, and zero back up from everybody else that discussion that have happened and they were involved in wearnt what I claim they are. I beleive we have found the problem and root cause of all of this.

It turns out its me. Its been me for a long time and if i continue with my current path, it will be me for ever more. Its good to know really, so i guess the next question is how to remove me.
