The Horror! (?) - Updated

I suppose if it's your bike you can do what you want with it.

Perhaps if you can't get hold of (or afford) the real McCoy and you're
just doing it for your amusement don't see a problem (as long as you don't sell it).

We're intrigued now... what you thinking ?
This lovely Lotus was covered in SpeLialized stickers, i left them on for the amusement :LOL:

i don't see how upgrading a bike through decals has any bonuses at all.

it makes the bike more desirable to a thief with base knowledge of what he is looking at, it opens the door to a potentially mis-sold bike further down the line, your also potentially going to look slightly desperate to those who might know what it really is (think of all the 'is it a zaskar' type threads we get from ebay purchases).

One exception to this (and i don't know if any manufacturers did it but i'm sure there will be some) is if the bikes were named & stickered up as different models depending on their original spec. to go with a slightly meat based theme here - beef cycles make just 1 frame - same geometry, tubing etc. but have the following groupsets on their 'range'....

rump steak - deore
sirloin steak - lx
rib-eye steak - xt
fillet steak - xtr

if you picked up an old rump steak frame, built it up on full XT to rib-eye spec then i suppose it could be acceptable to re-decal it.

one thing i would be in agreement with is down stickering - e.g if you use a zaskar for a commuter, re-badge it as an outpost and only those who see past a name sticker know what it is - but this still leaves you with the problem of a thief with knowledge.

why not go nameless and either completely ghost the frame, maybe with the exception of the headtube badge or just chuck manufacturer only rather than give it a model name - alternatively make up something of your own like the 'lime crosswork' already mentioned.
it goes both ways.



And I had an Iron Horse THS-1, my first "Foes".


I can see Haro and Iron Horse playing those games, but IF?
