The day the BB died


Choose your weapon

Just been offered a set of gars fir the dawes.

Watercolour will do if oils are raking to long. Or charcoal.
REKIBorter":s9yfozck said:
I swapped bikes with LGF on a ride up a Thetford Forest. My massive strength caused the BB to explode after a few pedal strokes. What should I do? Feel guilty and replace the BB, or, it was going to fail soon anyway so don't worry about it.

Offer to replace it. I'm sure that as a gent he will in return offer to go halves with you. Settled.

This is the general unwritten rule on *cough* small racing incidents at our sailing club. Big damage is different and involves insurance but for stuff that's around £100 we typically go halves.

What goes around comes around... :cool:
Re: Re:

REKIBorter":2r2q4ccd said:
It was only a 4 mile hike back to the car park. Between Gruff and myself we pushed him along where we could.

It was really weird. First sign was the chain came off the front chainring then the BB made this awful grinding noise. By the end the BB axle was rattling around in the BB shell. As I said I only went along for no more than 10 pedal strokes. I blame LGF for leaving it in such a high gear and using shonky secondhand parts :LOL:

One of the few disadvantages of cartridge bottom brackets. When they finally fail, they tend to go quickly and completely.