I've had a look at your site. I like the way you're going about building your site! If you want to add my Dolomite ( I noticed you don't have one in your amazing Klein collection) - feel free to use my pics or ask for more you can adapt to suit the website style.
As for wheel building ( we both have similar tastes in black bullseye
on NOS campagnolo Atek black rims! ) ..... I could give the standard - check out the many threads on here if you want dabble.
My honest answer would be -
1. Start small. Don't go straight in with boutique - those hubs can be fragile if you don't know what you're doing. Pick a dependable hub like a deore DX....it can take more punishment.
2. Study your favorite wheel set. Try to copy this. Use it as a guide.....rebuild your copy several times. Get your confidence and feel for what happens if you do this and that.
3. At the risk of sounding like 'Swiss Tony' - treat her gently - small steps, quarter turns. Maybe she pulls this way, maybe that... perfection takes patience. Pick a quiet place...you don't want an Audience. Go in too hard and you'll break her!
4. True. Correct rotation (so it runs round). Dish. Push it on the ground both sides to pre-tention.
Repeat. Repeat. Repeat.
Make sure you're playing quality tunes and have a favorite tipple at hand.
5. If all else fails. Lace and ask a shop to finish.... or wait to December and ask the Elf on the Shelf to do it!
@ratcapa .....yes this is your wheel! - Didn't get chance today..was talking Klein too much!
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