Taking a Haircut on a Vintage Bike

I've been growing mine out, just shaving the sides. It's a lot of effort, but it's worth it to show all the baldy bonces that I still have a full head of hair and no egg head. 🤣
Building a classic from parts is like burning £20 notes.

When i was building and prepping race and rally cars i remember someone had said that running a racing car team is as pleasureable as standing in an icy cold shower while setting light to a big pile of £100 notes that you have to burn one by one and really watch each one burn to nothing.

I was also helping a chap that sold classic cars. Sometimes they were his and sometimes he was being a middle man. Devote yourself to the wrong car and you can lose ALOT of money.
There was a Triumph Stag that came in , which was immaculate, after a lengthy top to bottom resto. There were two folders of receipts and photos and you would not have found a better job done.
Over £40k spent and the owner really thought he was going to get that back because he had spent that amount. He just couldn't seem to accept that fashion and demand decide these things. I think the best offer was about 8k , after a couple of months, which is 7999 more pounds than i would pay for a Stag, and the owner took it back home. A home without a wife as she had left him over the amount he spent on that car. It was some outrageous colour, too, which cut its appeal.

With objects like bicycles and cars; unless you come across an absolute and definite bargain/freebie it is healthier for the mind and soul to spend what you can afford to lose and just enjoy the process and then use the bloody thing.
I ended up giving away my 1980 Apollo Gran Sport to a friend's son because I couldn't sell it at all. I pobably had $500 CDN into that bike in the end. I was hoping to get around $350 for it on the market. If I'd have put it up for sale during the pandemic I probably could have gotten $1000 for it.
What that guy said, when I sold my vintage cars, I removed a lot of the valuable bits first and sold them separately.
There are a lot of optimistic sellers on the bay at the moment. Prices seem high and there isn't much selling.
As we all know here the moment has passed for now .
I've seen that too.

There may be a slump in the market, but I don't know if I have actually seen that reflected recently in reduced prices.

There seems to be a lot of stuff just not selling, bikes that I am watching that just sit there for months. but not a real corresponding reduction in prices to what would move the stuff. Sort of like the sellers are hoping they can ride the general inflation trend, or just wait it out.