Surly Cross Check Project Thread

Nice. I've toyed with picking up a used Crosscheck over the years, but once I got my Miyata 1000 there wasn't much point in adding a similar bike. I do like the ability to run fatter rubber though. Enjoy.
What a great looking setup you went with.
New paint makes it just like new, at first I thought whats the point with the black, but stand corrected as it looks great.
Always been a huge Surly fan as have had several from new and had them for lots of years, a 2010 LHT which is my everything bike, kid hauler, audax, tourer, trailer hauler, gravel tourer, a 2007 1X1, a 2010 Pugsley singlespeed, which my son now rides, and a recent year old Ogre frame awaiting building as my dirt tourer. So yes, a few Surly in the stable. They have all been bought as frames and then built up either over time or from the parts bin, nothing flash on any of them. They are used all year round and are so versatile. I had a 1st generation Big Dummy for a good few years while my son was growing up, sidecar and all. Yeah great frames. :)
I am sure you have many happy miles in front of you on this beauty.
