Stuck UN72 Bottom Bracket

coomber":6o6uogkg said:
Cool glad it is out.

That BB tool is nice above but quite expensive. I found my icetools one excellent for £6 ... -prod86711

and the park one is only £16 ... -prod17704

Not sure that Parks one is the right one but the square taper one is about same price.

Don't know why it's presently showing £29.99! I paid £2.99 for it inc. free postage... bargain. If you look at the purchase history, everyone that's bought one only paid £2.99 too.
Re: Re:

coomber":2f80k07d said:
Ah good. Didn't want to appear rude but 29.99 was a bit high!

If I'd allowed myself to get stiffed nearly 30 notes for something like that, I have to shoot myself in the face and remove my profile from here tout suite!