Stuck BB removal options - *Update* It’s Out!

Once A Hero

Old School Grand Master
I have Shimano cartridge BB that is currently stuck in the frame.

I’m looking for any tips to try and free it please.

Problems that I have are as follows:

1) the plastic, non-drive side cup became brittle and all of its teeth ripped off at the first time of trying to remove it…so there is nothing for the correct tool to attach to anymore…

2) the metal, drive side cup has intact teeth, but a tool has slipped once in trying to remove it, so the teeth don’t look so healthy…

Before I bolt the tool in place on the drive side and try leverage, anyone got any suggestions? I’m concerned the tool is going to slip if I lever it from as far away as possible, which will reduce my options further.
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If the tool is bolted tight enough it won’t slip

Remove the driveside and then if worse comes to worse you can melt the plastic one out/ cut with a junior blade but likely it will come out without that method.
If the tool is bolted tight enough it won’t slip

That’s the hope, but do you think there is anything I can do to assist the cup coming loose?

I had considered trying to cut out a section of the plastic cup so that I could tap it around and out - allowing me to lubricate the drive side cup from the inside. Madness?
That’s the hope, but do you think there is anything I can do to assist the cup coming loose?

I had considered trying to cut out a section of the plastic cup so that I could tap it around and out - allowing me to lubricate the drive side cup from the inside. Madness?
Personally I think it’s complicating it

They all come out with leverage. It’s just how much leverage you dare use and have access too

What material is the frame? Bit of heat can help if it’s alloy
If the drive side is really, really stuck fast ( to the point of the teeth breaking) then one option is to hammer the spindle out through the non drive side. The remnants of the plastic cup will break before the steel. You then have room to get a hacksaw blade in and you can then cut the drive side cup very carefully in 3 or 4 places and it should peel out.
Caustic soda will dissolve it too but its nasty stuff.
LGF has a very good guide in a thread somewhere on RB. various combinations of leverage, sharp implements and chemicals will get it out. Make sure you're turning it the correct way!
When you say bolt the tool on, are you clamping the tool in place with a bolt and plate so it can't come off, then slipping a spanner on and giving it large? If you are the tool shouldn't slip off. If not, I would recommend it. I've got a big steel washer that I bolt down against the cup tool using an old BB bolt. Works a treat.

On a very stuck BB even when doing this I couldn't get it to turn. A shot of plusgas a few mins wait and it came out easily.

For the plastic side, you might be able to hammer the tool in and create new teeth to unscrew it with, rather like using a torx key when the Allen heads are rounded.

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