Stronglight triple chainring valuation


Dirt Disciple
Hi, can anyone tell me anything about this chainring? I'm looking to sell it so an indication of value would be good as well.
It's a 52,42,30 with a 170mm crank. chainring 4.jpeg chainring 3.jpeg chainring 2.jpeg chainring 1.jpeg
Also worth checking if it has French pedal threading, in which case £15.
You can make a nice alpine double out of them.

It's been assembled incorrectly, the chain catch pin on the outer should be behind the crank.
That's great, thanks. I've been using it with some modern Shimano SPD's so threading is OK and I was wondering what that pin was for so learnt something new today :).
I love those cranks, especially this 99bis version. Like @hamster says, they are very versatile.

€30 - €50 + postage in my area, depending on the condition of the cranks and rings. Yours look pretty good.

To me, French threads would not be a big deal, as my favourite pedals to combine them with, the Lyotard 460D, often come with French threads as well.

Stronglight 99 set up as a compact double (49/32) for mrs non-fixie:
