Stone Roses reunion

clockworkgazz":de98p90o said:
think sunday is sold out now too- pretty sure I got two tickets but will see if I get the sonfirmation e-mail tomorrow.

Also got tickets for sunday and waiting on the confirmation mail.
Still trying, but looks like I might have to fork out over 100 per ticket. :(
Feel that I have to be there.
Got mine for Saturday :D

Looks like a Retrobike meet is on the cards that weekend then. No bikes, just beer....

Big scramble for the Metrolink from my place and I'll be there. Good stuff :)
Andrew Eldridge":2zqltf8h said:
highlandsflyer":2zqltf8h said:
Now if the Smiths were to reform, oh my giddy aunt!

Mr Brown is no worse than Dylan or indeed Sean Ryder, though I prefer Sean for his amazing nasal sneery style.

I would hate to see the Smiths reform. I loved that band, but that was then...

Dylan is another one who survives on reputation alone.
The Mondays (and Black Grape) were always good live, Sean could do it, he just didn't know the words some times.

Seems a lot of the Roses fans are in love with the memories of the time and the feelings. You can't recapture that.
I think I am a music fan not a nostalgia fan, that is probably the difference.

If Ian Brown can sing a bit now it might not be too bad, some of the songs are pure gold. I have not heard him sing for a long time, I think last time was when he had that 'Zombies' single out. He was still atrocious then though.

Some bands have reformed and made it good - The Specials, The Pixies. Some have been not so great - Dead Kennedys (without Jello ) The Jam (without Weller) :roll:

We will see

Kind of agree with that, a lot of bands are 'of an era'

Still, they were a band that was part of the soundtrack to growing up and lots of mischief! I hope they can pull it off!

Heaton Park, Manchester

Fastest Selling Rock Gigs in UK History:

220,000 tickets sold in 68 minutes with the first two nights selling out in 14 minutes.

Ian Brown is overjoyed, saying:

'We plan on spending the rest of the day jumping
up and down with our hands in the air.'

Very impressive! Do the maths and it's a bit mental.