
Retro Newbie
Please help me find my rare blue purple fade fat chance you eddy team which I have had since 1993 Frame number YOM213, XT components 1 grip shift rear shifter , control tech stem silver, ringle moby blue seat post, xt hubs, mavic rims 230/231. Taken from outside tate modern 30th October 2011. REWARD FOR SAFE RETURN. please call 01353665663, 07956450887 or email thanks
17 reads and no comments... so I will be the first to offer my best wishes in the hunt for your bike.

I know what its like to lose a bike to theives, although mine was built 3 days prior to the theft, so no chance to form sentimental attachment that you have since 1993... so bitterly heart-wrenching

Sadly, as I am in the NW, I will be of little use to you in locating it, however my brother is fairly active in the cycling scene in London, so will get him to look out for it for you

Incidentally, what do you do at Low Carbon Britain? I am and Enviro professional myself, 8 years at the biggest RDA funded Resource Efficiency Programme for businesses in the UK. Now in manufacturing as Environmental Manager.... just completing our Carbon Trust Standard application and 14001 system

Good luck with the bike
Best of luck finding it mate.

I had a one-off Zaskar Carbon 4X stolen a couple of years ago. All I can say is don't rely on the police for any help whatsoever. They'll see it as "another stolen bike" regardless of it's value. They'll write a report and give you a crime reference number, and then file it in the 'unsolved' drawer like they did with mine, even though I had more than reasonable evidence to suggest that I knew who took it, who they worked for, and where they lived.

Apparently they can't do anything unless they have absolute proof. They can't even perform a house call on the person's address to follow up my suspicions (saw the guy hovering around our car park and looking through the glass doors at my bike - got his van reg number and details of the company he worked for. Van was spotted later that evening back in the car park, then bike disappears at roughly the same time as the van leaves).

Not that I'm bitter or anything, but I provided more than reasonable evidence on a plate to the police, and they did nothing.

Anyway, I digress. It's stating the obvious, but check auction sites and especially Gumtree. Check for the parts listed separately too. It also might be worth checking with cycle couriers as most of them will know their area like the back of their hands and will soon spot it if it's out and about, or hear about it if it comes up for sale.

Good luck, and sorry for my rant :oops:
having siad that Barney, I spotted my Mrs's (at the time) bike being ridden by a local scally through the park about 3 weeks after it was nicked (bloody obvious it was hers, I built it).... so I went in for a chat with him, knowing that as a scally in Liverpool, he'd be looking to move it on

Sure enough, as I rode past, giving the bike "the eye", he asked me if I wanted to buy it. We arranged to meet up in an hour after I'd gone home to get my wallet. I rang the Old Bill at my local station, told them what happened, and they offered to set up a "sting operation", whereby they lay in wait till the deal had been done, then they swooped in and nicked him for theft, handling stolen goods, and posession of a knife.... yeah, that bit shit me up when I heard

SO, dont be too dissmissive of the Police
She got the bike back, and he got a term

Good luck with the hunt

unkleGsif":1ysm2wfn said:
SO, dont be too dissmissive of the Police
She got the bike back, and he got a term

Good luck with the hunt


I'm not dismissive of the police on the whole. Just of the way that they handled my particular case, and a lot of other bike thefts. I provided them with a name, address and even mobile number of the person who I suspected took it, and they didn't act on any of it because there was no absolute proof (I'd literally have had to provide them with CCTV footage of him putting the bike in the van, smiling and waving at the camera wearing a jumper with his name on it!) ....

If it was a £200 bike, it would have been frustrating. As it was a £3,000+ one-off, it was downright annoying.

I should clarify that I'm very supportive of the police on the whole, and I think that they do a great job. Both of my girlfriend's brothers are police officers (West Mids and West Mercia) and I get to hear about all of the stuff they have to go through on a daily basis. Just don't rely on them to do anything to find your bike unless you give them something concrete to go on.

Sorry fatchance - I've hijacked your thread enough now :oops:. Hope your bike turns up.
Fat chance

I'll keep an eye on local traders & gum tree round here in Wiltshire!

Check local Pawnbrokers / Cash Converters too, as well as some a bit further afield. Some thieves will offload the bikes to them for a quick sale. At the time my bike was stolen from Worcester there was one pawnbrokers in particular that was well-known for it, and was the first place anybody checked when one of their bikes got pinched.

fatchance":2tds9s6j said:
Please help me find my rare blue purple fade fat chance you eddy team which I have had since 1993 Frame number YOM213, XT components 1 grip shift rear shifter , control tech stem silver, ringle moby blue seat post, xt hubs, mavic rims 230/231. Taken from outside tate modern 30th October 2011. REWARD FOR SAFE RETURN. please call 01353665663, 07956450887 or email thanks

Sorry to hear this , a bike like that will stand out if left in current form, Will keep an eye out on the classifieds ebay etc, may be worth posting some pics up , particularly components as if split and sold on ebay, will help us spot it

Good luck in finding it
God Luck

Sorry for that. You have my deepest sympathy.
We will keep open our eyes in Germany! I hope you find your Fat soon.
Best regards and good luck Helmut