Stem with removable faceplate


Retro Guru
Just a quickie, is their such a thing as a stem with a removable faceplate and a canti hanger attached, does that sound right?.
I have a Velocity stem with the attached cable hanger for the cantilevers but I want to fit riser bars, obviously they're impossible to fit through the velocity stem so I was wondering if anyone made a stem with a removable face plate but still retained the cantilever hanger.
Am I asking for too much?


My 95 Hahanna had the canti mount on the forks, I suppose I could look for one on the for sale thread, I've seen them come up every now and then, but riding home from work tonight at half ten I really do love the stretched out riding position of the Explosif, it's just getting a bit hard on the wrists now, I thought a set of riser bars may help, although I suppose I could fit some bar ends.

yep kona did a fork mounted canti hanger for P2s. But they're a bit of a pig to get hold of. I have something similar in silver that I'm not using that you can have for free if you give me your address. Will fit P2s.

Standard trick used to be:

1) remove bar clamp bolts from stem
2) screw them back into stem from behind
3) place two penny coins in bar clamp slot and screw bar clamp bolts up so they push on the coins and spread the bar clamp wide open (not too far though)
4) fit riser bars and then refit bar clamp bolts properly

We used to use this trick to fit risers in velocity stems, Syncros stems and many other twin clamp stems with no problems.
Re: Re:

Godwin_Austen":e4yv6rct said:
I have something similar in silver that I'm not using that you can have for free if you give me your address. Will fit P2s.

If Ken doesn't go for this I'd be very grateful for it please! :D

Godwin-Austen,many thanks for the offer but I think I'm going to look for a pair of bar ends, they should give me a few more options for moving my hands around, elpedro666 I'm sure could make better use of the hanger than me.