Sorted Stan's ZTR ArchEx 29 rims 32H or other lightweight 29er rims in 32H


Cannondale Fan
Looking for a nice set of Stans ZTR arch ex rims in 29 inch, 32 hole.

Failing that, I would be open to consider other light (alloy or carbon) 29er rims in 32 hole. I am not fussy about the inner rim width but I am planning to run 2.1 inch tyres.

Has anyone got anything they're trying to shift?


Hello Jake,

Are Stans ZTR CREST 29r rims of interest? … currently built on White Industries (front) / Royce (rear)
Wouod be happy to dismantle for sale.
Was running Scwable mtb tyres of at least 2.1”

If of interest can arrange some 📷 + prices wheels / rims
Yeah not totally fussed on them being Arch Ex. Yours sound good. Pics of the wheels and rims would be good as well as prices please :) there is a complete set of Arch Ex wheels on eBay but I just bought a hub and enjoy building wheels myself. Saying that, the right wheelset may be worthwhile :)
Yeah not totally fussed on them being Arch Ex. Yours sound good. Pics of the wheels and rims would be good as well as prices please :) there is a complete set of Arch Ex wheels on eBay but I just bought a hub and enjoy building wheels myself. Saying that, the right wheelset may be worthwhile :)
OK great , glad I posted … will sort some 📷 + prices … will have to wait until Friday - maybe Thursday afternoon.

The wheels were my introduction to riding 29” firstly as a xc mtb , then with cyclocross tyres which pulled me into gravel bike 700c so these are now surplus…and am on a bit of a parts clear out mission whilst out of action with broken collar bone following a crash.
OK great , glad I posted … will sort some 📷 + prices … will have to wait until Friday - maybe Thursday afternoon.

The wheels were my introduction to riding 29” firstly as a xc mtb , then with cyclocross tyres which pulled me into gravel bike 700c so these are now surplus…and am on a bit of a parts clear out mission whilst out of action with broken collar bone following a crash.
Okay no worries. I'll wait to hear. Hope your recovery is going okay 👍:)

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