Spring classics, 2016


He ran out of puff, gave up and sat down, before having another go. There was no sudden movement from him, indicating a mechanical
Then threw his bike in the road and left it there. Very bad behaviour considering there were still riders and cars behind him.

Should go back to boxing imo!
Kicking off a bit about how Demare allegedly got a tow up the Cipressa after being held up. He even got the Strava KOM on the Cipressa but quickly deleted his Strava details last night after a Dutch journalist seen it.
Shame if its true, and there have been a few witnesses apparently. Yet to see the data though. Hope not as it was a great win and great to see a team so happy about a win. Genuinely congratulating each other rather than the sometimes ultra cool, sterile blank faced 'yes, our plan worked as predicted' type response.
A lot of crashes as mentioned, sometimes really random type sections as well, you can expect some on the downhills towards the end, as they obviously did judging by the well placed crash pads, but some were early on, on very straight sections. Nervousness maybe?
Its shaping up for a very nice spring :)


It's repeated! Yippee! Set to record now :roll: In around an hour's time. SO DON'T TELL ME WHO WON! :LOL: :LOL:

So, one classic in, and there's already accusations of foul play, and some petulant s-d throwing his toys out of the pram! :roll: :LOL:

I want Cancellara or Boonen to win Flanders at the weekend. How about you?


Oh, is it? :facepalm:

That means I don't have to do such a hiily ride at the weekend then ! :LOL:

I thought that was after Flanders. Used to be mid week, but I know that and Fleche are Sunday races now :roll: