Spot the difference

Rude Dog

Devout Dirtbag
Ok, competition time.

This is a spot the difference competition between what there should be on the bike and what's missing. You just have to guess what I need to get the bike up and running. (and no it's not a skip to offload this kona into....)

Attached will be a series of photo's for minor missing bike bits, you can guess what I need and the prize is, you get to send them to me in exchange for karma, beer tokens, cakes etc.

All clear. Good.

Ok here's the first one, easy one to start.


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Shuff sorry no. go to the back of the queue.

icantthinkofausername - Correct.

Harryburgundy - already got the Nitrous but extra point for the spot.

Wanted list starts here:
Top cap and bolt
(as the generous fella that I bought the frame from omitted to tell me they were missing).

Next one coming up, bit trickier:


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