Special Wednesday Offer ** Gear and Brake cable freebies

rojo":3ksnekq1 said:
Just so you know sithlord may take a few days to reply as he won't have Internet for a few days. He will get back to you when he can get back online. ;)

Cheers Jon.. :) thanks buddy..

All PM's replied to and orders sent out... :)

Loads more inner cables available still .. . 4mm and 5mm gear and brake ferrules also available, and V Brake noodles , ..;)
Reply to Ad.. :)

Dear Mr Sith
I need cable and outer gear and brake for a tandem and a Kona. What cost please.
Many thanks

Hi fella, outer cable and ferrules, noodles etc no problem,, however the gear cable and brake cable iirc, are slightly longer than normal... if you let me know what length of inner and outer you need I can sort you a price.. :)


magicmistertea wrote :

i need a bikes worth of gear cables for my pace build (inners/outers/ferrels)
sending pm

;) cheers fella... PM sent.. :)

dk1two wrote.. :)

2 bikes worth of brake cables + 1 of gear cables


Sent you a PM fella .. cheers.. :)