Special delivery - Brodie in the garage


BoTM Winner
Gold Trader
So I get an email+attachments from my buddy. "I've got a harlequin project (one of his deceased brother's half finished bikes), are ya interested?". Always interested in one of my former riding partner's bikes. Bring 'er round.


He came by this afternoon with the Sovereign. I had looked at the cell phone pics Thursday night and started to plan what needed to go on it (seat, post, BB, crank, pedals, brakes), and what I wanted to swap out (bars, stem). Got a seat/post in it, got 'er up in the stand, and started to wrench (after opening a few Cameron's).


Put a Hope Ti BB I had in the shell, a XTR cassette on the freehub.


I don't know about the plastic bars, or the yellow stem, but those are easy fixes with what I have on the shelf.


My 2 biggest concerns were pedals (I didn't have much in the way of platforms lying around), and brakes. I have some Avid Ultimate levers and Machine Tech cantis handy. I prefer matching brakes, but.........problem solved. Buddy started laughing and pulled a pair of decent shape 730s and a set of Grafton brakes out of his messenger bag. Gotta love swag.


Time was short, so we fired up the BBQ to make lunch and retired to the house to eat and catch the TPC coverage. Back at it tomorrow.
very nice...

I'd just rediscovered these last week, trawling through old catalogues... :cool: :cool: :cool:

That fluro yelow Atac is a bit... :shock:

Made some progress tonight. Cranks, pedals, stem, bars, shifters, brake levers. Reduced the dayglo ratio immensely.


Oh, and a cage, because every bike should have one. :LOL:
yo-Nate-y":2iq9hv02 said:
I dunno---I liked the yellow-green-blue. Kind of reminded me of a Klein ;)

First email I got from my buddy last Thursday was "I got a harlequin project for ya. Interested?".

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