So you want a Charlie Cunningham Indian #1

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Speaking of #1's, I stopped over to hang awhile with Joe Breeze yesterday at his place, and Breezer #1 was there being packed up to ship to the Smithsonian Museum in Washington D.C. There won't be any complaining about these welds! Pat


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I hope the Cunningham finds a perfect resting home like this, this is where it should hopefully be heading for its final resting place, rather than a private collection thats can only be viewed by an elite few

Lets hope for common sense to prevail and someone with deep pockets

Future generations can then marvel and enter into healthy debate about it's place in MTB History for many years to come :D
Sorry Joe, this 'mountain bike' thing didnt really catch on...

FairfaxPat":2h2owouy said:
Speaking of #1's, I stopped over at to hang awhile with Joe Breeze yesterday at his place, and Breezer #1 was there being packed up to ship to the Smithsonian Museum in Washington D.C. There won't be any complaining about these welds! Pat


Retro Spud":2h2owouy said:
I hope the Cunningham finds a perfect resting home like this, this is where it should hopefully be heading for its final resting place, rather than a private collection thats can only be viewed by an elite few

Lets hope for common sense to prevail and someone with deep pockets

Future generations can then marvel and enter into healthy debate about it's place in MTB History for many years to come :D

I just deleted the last round of bullshit; this thread is long enough, and has allowed all to share their opinion. Now it's just rehashing, for no new reason whatsoever. Run along, and play elsewhere, JustKev, Stevo, and Stylus. Thank you.


BTW, if the new owner of this Indian wants to reveal him or herself, then please pm me, and I'll unlock the thread for you to post your score ;)
(I won't hold my breath :cool: )

*btw, I in no way think of myself higher than anyone else. By stating, "run along and play elsewhere", I was being a bit cheeky, while implying that things were getting a bit childish, (petty?), and by playing elsewhere, I meant that the ebay/marketplace forum isn't the best place to go on and on like this. Feel free to open the issue, once again, over in retro MTB chat, if you must. I'm of the opinion that this thread was given ample space and opportunity for all to post their opinions, etc.

No major insult intended, or minor, for that matter; hope you all will continue to play here at RB, and not take your ball and go home ;) :cool:

/mea culpa
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