So, who's the Kona "Don" ?


Yes that headset would work and is very in keeping with what would have been used back in the day.

But your forks need to be threaded and also be the correct length.

Easy to find out, measure the headtube length, say 130mm for a 19" Kona frame (not sure with these older 1991 frames as they had different geometries) then add the headset stack height (it doesn't say in the advert so ask them)

Add them together and that now long the fork can be at maximum if used as is.
But you can cut a steerer down, you could bodge a bit with a few spacers.
You can run a steerer a few mm short but not a lot as you still need to have a good few threads of the lock nut I'm there.

Best to measure the forks steerer lenght and work out what you need.
rc200ti":e98mpsi1 said:
With care the later aluminium dog collar can be eased past the seatpost clamp.
Really ? How ? :? I'm struggling to see how you could ?
Re: Re:

FluffyChicken":2iag62yk said:
Yes that headset would work and is very in keeping with what would have been used back in the day.

But your forks need to be threaded and also be the correct length.

Easy to find out, measure the headtube length, say 130mm for a 19" Kona frame (not sure with these older 1991 frames as they had different geometries) then add the headset stack height (it doesn't say in the advert so ask them)

Add them together and that now long the fork can be at maximum if used as is.
But you can cut a steerer down, you could bodge a bit with a few spacers.
You can run a steerer a few mm short but not a lot as you still need to have a good few threads of the lock nut I'm there.

Best to measure the forks steerer lenght and work out what you need.

Cheers FC !
enc":1v2pe9g7 said:
rc200ti":1v2pe9g7 said:
With care the later aluminium dog collar can be eased past the seatpost clamp.
Really ? How ? :? I'm struggling to see how you could ?

With care, and keeping your fingers crossed. The dog collar I used spread slightly further than I wanted to take it, and it has only been removed once since , however once on it doesn't need to spring back to its original size as it gets clamped back.
I know it looks unlikely, but I can send pic if you need reassurance.

rc200ti":34wu6ipf said:
enc":34wu6ipf said:
rc200ti":34wu6ipf said:
With care the later aluminium dog collar can be eased past the seatpost clamp.
Really ? How ? :? I'm struggling to see how you could ?

With care, and keeping your fingers crossed. The dog collar I used spread slightly further than I wanted to take it, and it has only been removed once since , however once on it doesn't need to spring back to its original size as it gets clamped back.
I know it looks unlikely, but I can send pic if you need reassurance.


Amazing it didn't break ! They are aluminium I assume.

Been looking through threads at people's "get arounds" seems there is no easy solution. I guess the only easy option would be a full length outer cable ... Yuck.
I'm in discussion with my bro to look at the possibilities of brazing a cable stop on the top tube.
Did I mention I'm going with v brakes on this
Re: Re:

Canuck":1fr61b74 said:
Seen this used as a top tube cable stop for running v's (not tried it myself)

Not the prettiest but saves altering the frame

Good call mate. tad priey @ £25 :shock: .... i may have to resort to one :cry: hope not cause this is a budget build ... want to keep it under the value of the bike if i can.

brother is fairly confident we can braze a cable stop to the frame .... we'll see :)

Edit: alternative ? US based shop ive emailed them for price inc shipping....

even this might work ? ... 5d0c8869_S

Could anyone confirm top tube diameter 1991 cindercone ?
