So where has everyone from the GT set gone??


This was supposed to be the summer I road my completed Zaskar with the kids on the local trails. Haven't had it out once since I sorted out the forks. :oops:

Most of my riding is on my road bikes and I'm currently (and very slowly) rebuilding my Diamondback Ridge Runner and upgrading my wife's 81 Trek 515 roadie.
My zaskar is still hung above my bed, hasnt been out much though as i need a shorter steerer on my mags as ive got about 15 spacers on it and its way too high :LOL:
Its been a nice dry summer, the GT owners are out riding their bikes rather than sitting about polishing them and chatting on the internets.

97 Zaskar and a Karakoram frame. I tend to lurk more than anything. don't have much of interest to say. :facepalm:

Been tweaking my Zaskar recently. will post some pics soon

Gonna do something with Karakoram next year

Been thrashing the LTS around Cardinham Woods.
Been thrashing the RTS on the South Downs Way (14 hr overnight crossing) (I need new rocker bearings and a non-cracked frame..)


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still here. got 2 x '98 lts', 1x '04 avalache and 1x '97 tequesta. no time at the mo for internet fun as there's a baby due soon, but still getting the occasional ride in (but mostly CX, shhhh)

I'm still here too. I've only got four GTs at the moment if I include the still as yet to be completed 97 Zaskar.

Rode my 1991 Karakoram Elite on the Peaks ride last month, still got my 'owned from new' 1997 Bravado and recently picked up a long sought after 1992 Bravado.
Me too, I've been happily riding my '91 Karakoram Elite and Zaskar, almost finishing my '93 Richter 8.0 and planning what to do with my newly acquire '93 Corrado.
Am still around
Rts is done (thinking of putting some mavic 231cd's on it)
And my 91 team avalanche has the correct shifters now but I need a m730 chainset (one with black rings) then cabling up still.

Been mad busy at work power station where I work been on outage (r&m) since may last few weeks now.
I rode my Lobo offroad in mountain arround Grenoble :


...and so my STS-XCR and STS-DS !