Falcon frame. Can anyone id this frame?


Retro Newbie
I'm wondering if anyone here can help in identifying this Falcon frame?
I purchased it a couple of years ago for £80 just because I liked the look of it but I can't seem to id it.
All my searches point to late 70's but I cannot find this exact frame in any forum pictures or catalogue.
It looks like it takes a 26.4 seat post.
Although the frame looks well made and good quality it's doesn't seem particularly light.
The interesting thing (for me!) is the strengthening plate on the inside of the front forks.
I also noticed that a few weeks after I bought this, the seller was advertising another one of these, same colour, same size???
Does anyone here know what this frame is?
Thanks in advance


  • Falcon80pounds2.webp
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The serial no. is not very clear but the first digit is definitely a G followed by what looks like 09022. There is also a random number 4 in a different area.
Have you looked at the catalogues here?

Like you say, looks late 70s/early 80s. The style of decals should narrow it down a bit.
Hi, yes I have looked through them several times but can't seem to track it down.
Quite a few that come close but always something to rule it out!
Maybe it's not actually a Falcon, just badge engineering by someone!:eek:😂
Not a model I recognise and I think I'd have remembered the colour. Judging from positions of the decals (too-low decal on the down tube and too high on the seat tube) and their style, I'd say it was finished at the Brigg factory, most probably after I left the company so sometime after 1981.