so what have you guys been up to today?

got up drove the 1 and 1/2 hour 20 miles to work :cry:

got in to find a fax from my boss "please telephone me regarding..." - got a telling off :x

got told off again for not being a mind-reader :x

took delivery of the last bit of my new toy (radio controlled car i'm building)

came home, had subway for dinner :oops:

picked my g/f up from work @9.30pm(late night shopping in exeter tonight)

back home to start assembling new toy, got loads done just need to choose a body shell now and its good to go

:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
like green rabbit i too did the look for a job thing :evil:

might as well not bother though as not even the agencys have anything

unblocked the sink , reallllly must stop pushing stuff down the plug hole :LOL:

watched the 5th series of peep show , southpark , some topgear

my £5 singlespeed wheel turned up ( mavic doesnt make a 24" rim :LOL: )

hour and a half on the trainer

and now doing some writing , cant sleep and im most prolific in the middle of the night :(
Accidentally uninstalled my system drivers [dont ask me how :roll: ]

As toothache set in

Dentist >lower canine out

sore gob all day

computer not fixed enough to play games but @ least i can surf

Feeling sorry for myself :(
I had a morning job at Bournemouth hospital, fixing a badly installed x-ray system.
The afternoon was spent sat on the sofa feeling sorry for myself and hoping this bloody cold shifts before Sunday :roll:
Woken by crying child at from 2am till 4am.

Slept through the Alarm, late for work.

Switched computers off and on all day, whilst browsing retrobike.

Went home cooked tea.

Went out to watch kings of Leon with drewson, got pissed and ordered a kebab!

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