My first real bike was my (still owned) 1991 Team Fat Chance Yo Eddy. Out the door with a pair of shoes, helmet, sales tax, and a free water bottle it was $2300. Took me about a year to save up for it doing odd jobs (I was 13 years old, mind you). I put almost $2,000 down at the end of the summer and it was on lay away from then on with a few hundred left, and me with no real income generation possible once school started.
....then after a few months of $5/$10/$20 dollar contributions from me, my mom swept in and paid the remaining couple hundred and I found it under the Christmas tree My plan had been to get it done with birthday money (end of January) so it was a total surprise.
....then after a few months of $5/$10/$20 dollar contributions from me, my mom swept in and paid the remaining couple hundred and I found it under the Christmas tree My plan had been to get it done with birthday money (end of January) so it was a total surprise.