So, that Fat Chancer Frame??

Kill, kill, kill.....or not?

  • Smash it

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  • Build it

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Dr S":a0bn1muy said:
I was wondering just how flat I could get it. Paint it, decal it and then run it flat in a press. Get it just a few mm thick. Hang it on the wall then in the garage.

Steam engine required, it would make for a better tube vid.
DrS has put up his hard earned for the frame and is therefore entitled to do with it as he sees fit.

I would suggest trying to forget about the marketing and naming of this frame and look for any merits it may have in its own right. Not as a parody of something else.

It could make someone a nice single speed/commuter/shopping bike/whatever. It might bring someone pleasure.
JeRkY":zc1u29m2 said:
Smash it.

It is yours

You bought it for a reason and that is to make a statement. Make that statement and be proud you did so.

It is all right all these people saying to build it now. But any one who wanted to build it would have bid higher for it, after all it did not even reach the price an average Inbred sells for second hand.

Just make sure its demise is filmed and the footage placed on youtube. Also be as creative as possible in planning its demise. Any tool can hit something with a sledge hammer.

A 2 minute video providing smiles to hundreds/thousands via youtube will outweigh the lifetime of a built bike that may put a smile on one persons face.

This post should've ended the thread.

I've posted a few times on the other thread, so I don't want to be redundant; look back there to see my other comments. I'll use this post to introduce a new perspective, that of performance art.
Yes, the creative destruction of this frame, filmed for a permanent archive and free distribution, while making a statement against corporate exploitation of the passion of a small group of people, can indeed be considered performance art.

Now I ask, what do you good, and well intentioned, people have against the Arts?

This frame was not going to be artistic in any form or fashion, but through Si's efforts, this frame might still find meaning, and I don't mean via building it.

• Performance Art is live.

• Performance Art has no rules or guidelines. It is art because the artist says it is art. It is experimental.

• Performance Art is not for sale. It may, however, sell admission tickets and film rights.

• Performance Art may be comprised of painting or sculpture (or both), dialogue, poetry, music, dance, opera, film footage, turned on television sets, laser lights, live animals and fire. Or all of the above. There are as many variables as there are artists.

Performance Art may be entertaining, amusing, shocking or horrifying. No matter which adjective applies, it is meant to be memorable.
Keep it until next summer then resurrect the malverns lake jumping contest using this as the lake jump bike. Winner gets to keep the bike. Those that really want it will get their chance to earn it by backflipping into 2 feet of muddy water :cool:
Dr S":2zv9gfwb said:
So you think they made a big profit with their £77 sale then?

Not as such but it's still money in the kitty.

Dr S":2zv9gfwb said:
Is that £77 a boost in income? You don't run a business do you?

Not as such - but 2 threads of 5 pages on, we´re still talking about it. Free publicity. Film it and put it on YouTube? - Priceless. Someone links to this thread from a forum that thinks we're a bunch of decrepit old farts? - Double priceless.
dbmtb":1g0w2uqm said:
Not as such - but 2 threads of 5 pages on, we´re still talking about it. Free publicity. Film it and put it on YouTube? - Priceless. Someone links to this thread from a forum that thinks we're a bunch of decrepit old farts? - Double priceless.

OK, five pages, but even most of the ones saying don't trash it agree that On One bikes are shit. Not exactly positive publicity is it?

As for another forum looking in, those with sense would probably agree that its a shit frame. Those that don't will say we are decrepit old farts....I'm fine with that. They like shit bikes. I'm not going to lose sleep over that.
Seriously do you think On-One spent hours designing and working out tubing specs for this?! You give On-One to much credit! I think it cost them a phone call at most.

"Can you chuck in a frame with disc and canti mounts in to the container too please- yep disc and canti mounts and 10 year old geometry too. Tubing? yep any old cro mo you've got about, whatever is cheap please. Thanks"

Flattening the frame will make an interesting video and will look great on the interior/exterior wall of your workshop! Much better than smashing it up.
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