So its really muddy, what do you ride?

I also ride the same tyres year round. Changing the tubs is a pain and I will do when the tyre is worn.

Also 29er's cope with mud and slop much better than smaller wheels. It is so not what I want to be writing.

Its a choice of cube hardtail with mudguards that is the cheapest rrp bike i have.

If i fancy fs, then it is gf sugar if it is a ride that needs driving to or specialized epic.

....but usually i end up indoors moping and posting crap like this :)

Depending on stay/fork clearance, I may fit narrower tyres than normal, but that is all
legrandefromage":iiv0n1c5 said:
Other than a Cleland or a Highpath that is, what the heck is good for sticky claggy mud alternating to sloppy filth? Almost killed my Raleigh RSP at the weekend and am just wondering what you lot use, if you do actually go out in mud.
Other than a Cleland or a Highpath? = Wellie Boots. ;)
And sometimes I use them together :D

Reid Zeus fatbike. Floats over most mud like a butterfly, even with my lardy arse on it.
when it's really muddy and wet ... me ... I ride a leather recliner, with a tv remote in one paw and a cold beer in the other.


Well today I chose the 89 kili flyer with charge splashbacks (too lazy to change them before heading out) for a 30 mile trek over most of the Surrey Hills.

I won't be doing that again. ..

To make it even more comedy the BB lock ring came lose and I didn't notice. Non drive side cup feel out 6 miles from home. To add insult to injury I got chased by some vicious guard dogs passing a mansion riding it feet pattering like a balance bike down a 21% hill.

I'm sure it was funny if someone was watching :-D
The main thing is ss or hub gear. After you have that sorted the other details matter less, but I am partial to a fatbike.
A horse.

only kidding, I havent got one. Otherwise I would.
Id be on my elderly clunker with knobbly tyres, paint rubbed through to metal where the frame becomes the mud-scraper. Thick sticky gritty mud around here, builds up, end up being unable to push the bike and have to carry it. Had mudguards once but took them off as they just cause wheels to jam harder.

Only a horse makes sense. Or a road ride. Or walk the dog.